February 7 / Luke 4:14-30

Luke 4:14-30

“Notice what you notice.” I’m really glad that I did yesterday’s chronological, geographical foray into Jesus early ministry and to have John S.’s helpful, corrective comments therein. That yesterday’s post and comments were timely was borne out in my NASB Study Bible comment on verse 16, And He came to Nazareth… The footnote on that verse said, “Not at the start of His ministry, but perhaps a year later… Probably all the events of John 1:19-4:42 occurred between Luke 4:13 and Luke 4:14.” I think John S. and I would agree with most of that sentiment – again reading between the lines. So now, no more chronological, geographical exploration until we return to John again, but not until May. We’ll spend these next few months in Galilee, very likely during Jesus’ second year of ministry.

There is a major disconnect between Jesus’ favorable reception in Nazareth as reflected in Luke 4:16-22 compared to them ready to throw him off a cliff in verse 29. I’m wondering if the reaction turns when He says Doubtless you will quote to me this proverb, ‘“Physician, heal yourself.” What we have heard you did at Capernaum, do here in your hometown as well. And He said, “Truly, I say to you, no prophet is acceptable in his hometown.” (vv. 23-24) or when He suggests that Gentiles in the Old Testament (vv. 25-27, the Zarephath widow and Naaman the Syrian) were receiving God’s favor – the favor that the Jews were rejecting. Were the Nazarene citizens troubled by His perceived insolence or by His elevation of the Gentiles? If the latter, unfortunately for the Nazarenes, Jesus’ elevation of the Gentiles will continue the rest of His ministry – and on further into the Book of Acts – and even further, to our own salvation…!! GLORY!


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