April 10 / Matt. 13:1-9

Matthew 13:1-9

“Notice what you notice.” Today is our 100th day in the Gospels – just so you know… Pat yourselves on the back if you’re keeping up. What hits me today is the fact that it’s all coming together for me. Except for our earlier time in Judea, we’ve had almost three months in Galilee, with most of that time in and around Capernaum. I’ve spent time with maps so I have some feel for the area, and I’ve got Capernaum firmly in my mind as a seaside city. So Jesus getting into a boat and the crowd standing on the beach (v. 2) is a clear picture in my mind.

What struck me most today, immediately, was the beginning of the first verse, That day Jesus went out of the house and was sitting by the sea. Both words, “house” and “sea” were immediately alive to me! I’ve commented at least twice, maybe three or four times, about Jesus being in a house, living in a house, going home, etc., likely to Peter’s house. So our passage today begins with Jesus in the house and then leaving the house – and I can see that! He goes out for a walk, for a breath of fresh air and sits by the sea – and I can see that! It’s really just a passing thought to most readers, more than likely glossed over until they get to the meat of the parable. But for me, it’s a glory sighting: That day Jesus went out of the house and was sitting by the sea. GLORY!

Slava Bohu!

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