April 21 / Matt. 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25

Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, and Luke 8:22-25

“Notice what you notice.” HAPPY EASTER!!

So today we leave Galilee for the first time in months, ever since Jesus came to Nazareth and Cana after leaving Jerusalem. While Matthew and Luke have Jesus getting into a boat on just “any day”, Mark has Jesus leaving in the evening after a full day of parables and other ministry – the material we just read the past few days. No wonder Jesus was asleep in the stern; He was tired! Mark even has Jesus’ resting His head on a pillow. Mark also has other boats alongside, the other writers do not mention them.

In our Avanza time with the Hispanic kids we read Bible stories from the Jesus Storybook Bible. One of our stories is this calming of the storm. But the writer of this story has a different take on it that I had never heard or considered before. As Jesus is calming the storm, the author notes that the God Who spoke all things into being simply said to the wind and the waves, “Be still.” That is, Jesus was the Master of the wind and the waves and all created things, and they knew Him and His voice, and they listened to Him and obeyed. Fascinating!! We’ve seen Jesus with power over the supernatural – casting out demons with just a word. Now we see Him with power over all created things! Fascinating!! Just let that sink in! What a Glorious God we serve!

Slava Bohu!

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