July 2019 Readings

Date Reading(s) Verses 01-Jul John 10:1-21 21 02-Jul Matt. 8:18-22 5 03-Jul Luke 9:51-62 12 04-Jul Matt. 11:20-30 11 05-Jul Luke 10:1-9 9 06-Jul Luke 10:13-24 12 07-Jul Luke 10:25-37 13 08-Jul Luke 10:38-42 5 09-Jul Luke 11:37-44 8 10-Jul Luke 11:45-54 10 11-Jul Luke 12:1-12 12 12-Jul Luke 12:13-21 9 13-Jul Luke 12:35-48 14 …

June 29 / John 9:24-34

John 9:24-34 “Notice what you notice.” Except for the Resurrection and raising Lazarus from the dead, I believe Jesus’ healing a man born blind is His greatest miracle. And I’m even arguing with myself about Lazarus, since Jesus had brought others back to life. I rate Lazarus higher because he had been three days in …

June 28 / John 9:13-23

John 9:13-23 “Notice what you notice.” …the Jews had already agreed that if anyone confessed Him to be Christ, he was to be put out of the synagogue. (v. 22b) How could the Jewish leaders have been so hard-headed that they would completely pre-judge Jesus in spite of the works/miracles that they had seen him …

June 26 / John 8:48-59

John 8:48-59 “Notice what you notice.” The rise and fall in this chapter is intriguing. It begins with Jesus’ encounter with the adulterous woman. My sense is that His failure to judge the woman or to point specifically to the Jews and their faults led many to honor Him – if only in some small …

June 25 / John 8:37-47

John 8:37-47 “Notice what you notice.” Wow! It is becoming more clear to me that when John mentions “the Jews” that he is speaking of the religious leaders. So effectively from yesterday, a few of the Jews had begun to follow Him, but had turned away again when Jesus talked about them being “free indeed”. …

June 24 / John 8:31-36

John 8:31-36 “Notice what you notice.” Today I’m still confused, but less so and for a different reason. We left yesterday with some from the crowd believing in Jesus. Today begins with Jesus speaking to those Jews who had believed in Him: If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; …

June 23 / John 8:21-30

John 8:21-30 “Notice what you notice.” Yesterday I chatted about “the Father” and Jesus’ comments about His Father. And it was all very confusing to me, this talk of Jesus about His Father when the Jewish leaders knew that He had come from Galilee and that His father was the carpenter, Joseph of Nazareth. I …

June 22 / John 8:12-20

John 8:12-20 “Notice what you notice.” If I were a Pharisee in Jesus’ time I would probably be angry with Jesus for what I would perceive to be a high degree of arrogance. I would also be confused, in that those very words that seemed so arrogant were also consistent with the miraculous deeds that …