June 4 / Mark 8:11-26

Mark 8:11-26

“Notice what you notice.” Three small items today… I had never noticed that this “leaven” conversation between Jesus and His disciples took place in the boat as they were traveling from the west side of the Sea of Galilee, headed to Bethsaida. The only other occasion that I can recall Jesus speaking with His disciples from a boat was when He calmed the storm at sea. Also, He spoke to Peter when He was walking on the water and Peter was in the boat. Finally, on at least one occasion Jesus preached from a boat (Luke 5:1-11). One item with which I have become more clearly aware this time through Scripture is how often Jesus traveled by boat and how often he crossed the Sea of Galilee by boat. Interesting.

And he cautioned them, saying, “Watch out; beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.” (v.15) I have often noted and thought of the “leaven of the Pharisees”, but only this time through do I see the “leaven of Herod”. And what a chastisement it is toward the Pharisees that their speech should be so linked to that of Herod, who was an adulterer and a murderer. For the Pharisees, their behavior was always their defining characteristic. Jesus took issue with them over the incongruity between their traditions (their behavior) and the actual words in Scripture. So to be mentioned in the same vein as Herod was truly an indictment!

Finally as friends bring the blind man to Jesus in Bethsaida, Jesus takes him out of town to heal him. Further, after He heals the man, He tells him not to go back into the town. It’s quite common in Mark’s Gospel that Jesus asks His disciples or someone He healed to remain quiet about what had transpired (see Mark 1:44, 5:19, 5:43, 8:30). Much has been written about Jesus’ commands to keep quiet, mostly that Jesus wanted people to hear and understand His words so much more than to be impressed with His miracles. And over time this message has gotten through to us. We read about and appreciate Jesus’ miracles, but it’s His words that truly move us. We are blessed to be on this side of history.

Slava Bohu!

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1 Comment

  1. Thanks, Fred!

    Yes, truly blessed to be seeing and hearing Jesus from a distance. I always hope my reaction would have been one of belief and worship had I actually lived at the time.

    I also never remember noticing “the leaven of Herod” –interesting…

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