July 8 / Luke 10:38-42

Luke 10:38-42

“Notice what you notice.” I never thought about it before, but Martha must be the older sister. I noticed it first when Martha was the one who welcomed Jesus into “her house” (v. 38). Then she takes responsibility for all the preparations (first-child syndrome). Yes folks, I resonate with Martha.

There are a couple of incidents where I have difficulties with Jesus’ teachings – the “Laborers in the Vineyard” story being the most prominent. The Martha-Mary story is another. But in both cases, Jesus has chosen the higher ground. In both cases, I am “of the world” and have the world’s perspective while Jesus is “other-worldly” in His focus. He is right, of course, but He leaves me shaking my head, wondering about my own priorities in life… Wondering about our wealth, as a nation and as a family, compared to poverty worldwide… Wondering about how I spend my time and what else I could or should be doing… Wondering about Carol’s and my next “calling” (if there is one)… Wondering!! And you…??

Slava Bohu!

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1 Comment

  1. Wondering too! I was struck by Martha’s concern, letting her work FOR Jesus, her hospitality, overshadow her time WITH Jesus. I have been chewing on, He is the vine, we are the branches. Apart from him, we can do nothing.

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