September 25 / Mark 12:38-44

Mark 12:38-44

Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty.

“Notice what you notice.” The Widow’s Mite. Jesus is commending this widow, who put in only about one penny – but it was all that she had to live on. However, I don’t think he was condemning or chastising those who were giving more. He said that …they all contributed out of their abundance… (v. 44), but I don’t see that comment as degrading the gifts from those who had more. As Treasurer, I can assure you that if we did not have donors who gave “out of their abundance” our budget would be a whole lot worse off than it is now!

The Old Testament sets the tithe as a standard, as David said this past Sunday. However, Jesus’ words go a lot further, as He said to the “rich young ruler”, “Go and sell all that you have and give to the poor … and come follow Me.” (Matthew 19:21, Luke 18:22, slightly edited) At St. Andrew’s, my sense is that there are many parishioners who go much more than their tithe, others who are careful to meet the ten percent fairly closely, and others who fall short of the OT guideline. We accept whatever gifts come in and offer no further guidance, except that we ask Vestry candidates to be committed to the OT guideline of the tithe. So, give whatever God puts on your heart. Pray about it and seek Him first!

Slava Bohu!

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  1. Good points, Fred. I also believe that God looks at motive, giving out of gratitude and generosity, whatever the level. A tithe or more given for show or to help ourselves look good to ourselves, deceiving ourselves, can be a problem.

  2. I agree with you, Fred. Giving out of abundance is fine. But I think that Jesus is saying that a tithe to the church is good as maybe a minimum. We should give thankfully, lovingly, willingly above our convenience or even safety (time, talents, money). That is how the widow gave.

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