October 30 / John 13:36-38

John 13:36-38

Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty.

“Notice what you notice.” There are not many incidents that are recorded in all four gospels, but Peter’s denial is one of those few. It must have been striking to all four writers to first hear Peter’s insistence of His dedication to Jesus, then to hear Jesus’ prophecy that Peter would deny Him. Presumably John and Matthew were at the table and Mark probably heard it firsthand from Peter. And as we already know, Luke is serious about doing his homework. But these connections are there for most of Jesus’ ministry, yet not everything is covered in “quadruple tradition”. Peter’s denial is; it must have been powerful to those at the table!

Where I am going you cannot follow me now, but you will follow afterward. (v. 36b) These words from Jesus to His disciples must have been extremely comforting to Peter and the others after Jesus’ Ascension. Yes, receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was powerful, but it’s also true that our mind can play tricks on us. Having the memory of Jesus’ words would have been an anchor, of sorts, during troubling times. And, as has been the case with so many other words from Jesus, it’s an anchor on which we can depend in our own lives.

Slava Bohu!

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  1. I agree, Fred. I am reminded also how easy it is to make promises to God and myself, then weaken, miss, and fail. But when we acknowledge it, He comes to us, again and again. His promises never fail.

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