November 13 / Mark 14:32-42

Mark 14:32-42

Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty.

“Notice what you notice.” …<He> began to be greatly distressed and troubled. (v. 33b) I remember reading somewhere that Jesus’ being distressed and troubled at the ordeal facing Him was different from the martyrs who would follow Him, who looked at their suffering and death more serenely – confident in their hope of their resurrection and meeting Jesus, effectively suffering “willingly” for Him. Jesus, however, was facing sin head-on and the Father’s wrath. Naturally He would be …greatly distressed and troubled.

…and they did not know what to answer Him. (v. 40b) Jesus had chastised the three disciples earlier when He first found them sleeping, Could you not watch one hour? (v. 37b) So they knew that they had failed Him. It really hit me – I do not know how to answer Him when I know that I have failed. The guilt overwhelms, yet still the grace is abundant when I finally come to repentance. Then I can only answer Him with “Thank You, LORD!”

Slava Bohu!

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