II Timothy 1:8-12
Another verse segment that I have often quoted: …I know whom I have believed… (v. 12b) I think I mostly quote it as “I know Him in whom I have believed.” It’s a simple statement, but also full of power! It’s a personal statement, irrefutable in a discussion with a non-believer. It also allows for a really good follow-up question, “Who do you believe in?”. [We’re allowed to end our sentences with a preposition when engaging in informal conversation! And this structure is less awkward and more to the point.] It’s also just a simple statement of faith and I feel it puts a smile on Jesus’ face.
…our Savior Christ Jesus … abolished death and brought life and immortality to light… (v. 10b) These words struck me. The Pharisees and the Sadducees disagreed on life after death. [Go back and re-read how Paul split the Council by declaring for the resurrection of the dead. (Acts 23:6-10)] Now in this verse Paul says that Jesus brought life and immortality to light, essentially saying that Jesus has made it clear and that there is now no longer any room for dissension about His resurrection. I also read this verse as Paul talking about our current life and our eternal life, both brought to light by Jesus’ death.
Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner… (v. 8a) I am reading these verses with a different eye for the first time, ever since I learned of the possibility of a “fourth missionary journey” that my Study Bible highlighted at the beginning of I Timothy. I had always read Paul’s imprisonment comments as relating to his Acts 28 prison time in Rome. But the possibility of his having been released from that imprisonment and making a fourth missionary journey puts a slightly different light on his letters, especially if you follow the verses and the route that I sent to you back on September 15, imbedded again below. The verses in that top frame below and the map in the second frame also help us understand Paul’s comment to Titus about meeting him in Nicopolis (Titus 3:12). Nice!
Slava Bohu!