I Peter 1:17-25
…knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers… (v. 18a, ESV, NASB) Scholars have argued back and forth as to whom this letter from Peter was addressed – specifically as to whether the recipients were primarily Gentile Christians or Jewish Christians. The NKJV was the translation that I read first. It has “from your aimless conduct”, which really struck me. I had this mental picture of the Jews offering their daily, weekly, monthly, annual animal sacrifices, while the true Lamb of God had already gone to the cross. In that regard their offerings really were “futile” and “aimless”. But from our “other side of The Cross” we have to be careful not to be haughty or self-satisfied. All we have to do is look back on where we’ve been, where we’ve come from, and our arrogance easily disappears!
Slava Bohu!
So true…!
Or, our arrogance should disappear… Unfortunately, it often doesn’t.