April 12 / Matt. 18:10-14, Luke 15:1-10

Matthew 18:10-14 and Luke 15:1-10

Today as I read these parables of “the lost” I thought of my own brothers and sisters. I have seven still living; all but two of them profess Christ – and exhibit their love for Him in various ways. And of the other two, Dick and Ron, Carol and I have spent many hours talking with Dick. But Ron has always appeared to be a lost soul. Literally, LOST to us – no one had even heard from him since 2018. I have tried regularly to reach him by phone, e-mail, and on Facebook, but no luck. But we had an address for him, so four days ago when we arrived in Florida we knocked on his door – and surprisingly he answered. He had a “John the Baptist” appearance – I won’t go more into that, but ask me for a picture when you see me. He has lived alone since his wife died twenty years ago and his disheveled life reflects the deep loss he feels over her passing. Ron has spent years (most of his adult life) deep into drugs, although his appearance and demeanor is not that of someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol. In fact, Ron is terribly bright – a Mensa-level IQ – and the conversation we had with him was at a high level. The conversation was also about Jesus and our universal need for Him and His love. My wife – the evangelist! – broached that topic and led the discussion. Ron shared openly of two recent incidences in his life, one on Good Friday with a Good Friday connection and the other the same day or very near to that day. I told Ron that the Holy Spirit was working in his life, seeking him, and he did not disagree. We parted on the best of terms and we have since shared an e-mail connection with each other.

I cannot report a salvation conversion, but I can tell you that there was joy in our “house” over finding one who was lost and joy with my two sisters when we shared that news with them. Carol and I saw today’s parables being played out before our eyes…!!

See also: July 23 / Matthew 18:10-14; July 24 / Luke 15:1-10

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  1. Fred, I’ve read your post over about 5 times now and my eyes moisten when I read it. How awesome is our God! The door cracked open and the light of the Spirit has shown through.

    I am always amazed at seeing or hearing of miracles (but no longer surprised). I guess what amazes me is the depth of God’s love and maybe His patience with us waiting to respond to His love. But I’m learning God’s timing is different from ours…

    Thank you for sharing this!

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