August 24 / I Cor. 9:1-27

I Corinthians 9:1-27

When I spoke of giving in my comments last year (in the first link below), I left out the most demanding standard – the “rich, young ruler”: Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me. (Luke 18:22b) The contrast is striking between the widow who had nothing and the ruler who had everything. Is it true that the more we have, the less willing we are to part with it? Just asking…

St. Andrew’s, through its Mission Committee, supports a number of overseas missionaries. We are part of a network of prayer and support teams for these folks. Every few years they return to the USA for a bit of relaxation, but also to report back to those people who are on their prayer and support team – and to continue to raise support. And as hard as these people are working “in the field”, it’s doubly frustrating when they are not able to raise the level of support that is required/requested of them by their sending organization. I have two in mind, in particular – Timo/Laura Harkonen and Mark/Tommie Bruner. We receive their prayer letters and read of the awesome work that they are doing in Finland and Czechia. And we know them personally – each of these missionaries (and family and friends) have stayed with us here in Kentucky. And we hear the sad news of their lack of funding, of churches who change pastors and cancel their support, of pastors who tell them that they can no longer afford to support them. Timo and Laura have a sending organization, AIM (Africa Inland Mission) that provides a backstop for them when support is down, but Mark and Tommie are on their own. They’ve been in Slovakia and Czechia for some 25 years – the churches that originally sent them to the mission field no longer know them and have dropped their support. And their retirement nest-egg that most of us have – it’s their home in CZ, that’s it! When we are asked each Sunday to pray for our missionaries, please do so. Lift them up mightily – and think about paying them a visit overseas. There is nothing that lifts their spirits so much as a visitor from home!!

See also: April 30 / I Cor. 9:1-18; May 1 / I Cor. 9:19-27

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  1. Thanks for sharing! I too think of our missionaries (cross-cultural workers, wherever). I think I would rather be doing the work of one, rather than trying to raise funds for myself. (Maybe Paul was that way too!)

    Besides donations, they really want a partner, in prayer and commitment. Julie T. checks in with Bethany every week, and a group of us do Zoom prayer together for her based on the updates every week. So important to be a home team partner.

  2. I agree, y’all!

    I am constantly astonished by the wonderful ways those whom we support are doing the difficult work on the ground in places that I, for the most part, would rather not live right now.

    The Harkonans are particularly inspiring me! If anyone in this group doesn’t get their updates and wants to, let Debbie or me know! And if you want a worthy family to sponsor with some of your resources, they could surely use it!

    Either way, praying for all of these faithful ministers is something I need to do more conscientiously and consistently.

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