September 19 / Romans 1:1-32

Romans 1:1-32

Homosexuality is an issue that the church has been dealing with for some 2,000 years, as Paul writes in today’s reading: For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men… (vv. 26b-27a) It’s an issue that (in part) brought St. Andrew’s to where we are today. The ordination of a gay bishop in New Hampshire during the Episcopal Church’s Triennial Convention in 2003 led many committed believers and entire church bodies to leave the Episcopal Church. Many individuals simply found new places to worship, but entire groups of individuals, like our St. Andrew’s “founders” chose to start new congregations, many of which aligned with the Anglican Church. It was a tough beginning for our St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, but our Lord has clearly blessed that decision. No doubt all of us have family and friends who are gay or who support gay relationships. It’s also surely the case that not even in our congregation does everyone agree with the ACNA stand on same-sex issues, but that’s a personal item between each of us and God. I pray that all of us seek the Holy Spirit daily and let Him lead our hearts as He chooses.

See also: June 8 / Romans 1:1-15; June 9 / Romans 1:16-32

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