Romans 8:18-39
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good… (v. 28a) My Study Bible also offers a second translation for the second half of this verse: …God works all things together for good… Either translation supports the notion that when we pray for particular situations or outcomes, the end of our prayer should always be, “Not my will, but your will be done.” (Mt. 26:39, Mk. 14:36, Lk. 22:42, Jn 6:38 NASB, slightly edited). If all four Gospel writers included these words spoken by Jesus, it must be the case that we need to follow His lead, pray and move forward with whatever outcome results from whatever situation we face. We can wonder why God is doing what He is doing or why He is letting happen whatever is happening, but in the end it must be “Your will be done.”
See also: June 24 / Romans 8:18-30; June 25 / Romans 8:31-39