January 20 / Psalm 18:16-24

Psalm 18:16-24

As we follow the whole of Psalm 18 and not just the verses that are on our reading schedule we see that our reading yesterday was all about David’s enemies and their activities (not to be taken literally), then today’s verses are about David, himself, and tomorrow’s reading will focus on others – the rest of us.

So today the focus is on David and his claim to righteousness: The LORD dealt with me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands He rewarded me. (v. 20) I’m sure that this statement, in fact the whole of verses 20 to 24 might raise red flags for many people who know that “There is none who does good, not even one.” (Psalm 14:3b) My Study Bible commented on that thought: “David’s assertion of his righteousness is not a pretentious boast of sinless perfection. Rather, it is a claim that, in contrast to his enemies he has devoted himself heart and life to the service of the Lord, that his has been a godliness of integrity – itself the fruit of God’s gracious working in his heart.” I have put the key phrase in bold – it’s not what we do on our own, it’s God working within us that guides us to His goodness.

Archbishop Beach often talks about others seeing God at work in our lives. It’s one of his favorite sayings, “Walk the walk and talk the talk.” When I try to follow that mantra, I have a tendency to feel self-satisfied for things that I am doing or have done. I need regularly to draw on that whole phrase in quotes above – if there’s anything good in me, it’s because God has put it there!

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1 Comment

  1. Agreed, Fred. I try, not always successfully, to focus on thankfulness. Thankful that He has enabled me to do something, keep His laws, live another day, be in His presence. Not what I’ve done, but what He has done for me. Thank God!

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