March 11 / Job 39

Job 39

God continues His questioning of Job, drawing examples from the animal kingdom to illustrate God’s superior knowledge and wisdom. He asks about mountain goats, wild donkeys, wild oxen, ostriches, horses, hawks, and eagles. God, of course, knows everything there is to know about all these creatures, for He is their Creator and Sustainer. Job is not…

…And neither are we. Nevertheless, I can hear the modern zoologist — totally missing the point — standing up and declaring that he does know when mountain goats give birth and he has observed the calving of the does. (v. 1) Golly! But was he there when the first mountain goat came to be? Don’t get me wrong. I think science is great, and we should pursue scientific discoveries and knowledge with gusto. The knowledge we gain should inspire even greater awe and worship of our marvelous Creator. But in pride our modern society tends to pit science against faith, arrogantly rejecting even the existence of God in the name of science. Hogwash! Their rejection of God has nothing to do with science; it has everything to do with human will. Perhaps a direct encounter with God (like Job is getting here) might change their perspective…but I doubt it. (See Luke 16:19-31.)

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  1. Yes, scientists do their thing and they know all that stuff that God implies Job does not know. And in our 21st century life we know these things, even as we think back to Job’s existence thousands of years ago. Still, even with that mindset, God faked me out. When He began speaking of the horse (vv. 19, ff.) I had our pony and Robbie’s thoroughbreds in mind, especially through verse 21b. Then it all changes when God speaks of the horse in battle! Charging forward, unaware of danger, responsive to its rider’s commands – that’s all well and good – but then God speaks of the horse’s thrill of battle: Trembling with excitement … he cannot stand still when the ram’s horn sounds. At the blast of the horn, he snorts with fervor. He catches the scent of battle from afar… (vv. 24-25a). I’ve never imagined that part of a horse’s mind, primed for battle. But God did; He programmed it!! Our God…!!

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