May 14 / Proverbs 4:20-27

Proverbs 4:20-27

I am again struck by the full intensity of purpose called for here: Be attentive…Incline your ear…Let them not escape…Keep them… (vv. 20-21) Why such focus? For [my words] are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh. (v. 22) And then further: Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. And so again I ask: Do I (and you) genuinely value wisdom so highly? Are we so focused? Do we indeed keep [our] heart[s] with all vigilance? (v. 23)

Yesterday Proverbs 4:18-19 spoke of light and dark paths. Today in Proverbs 4:24-27 we return to the notion of paths, but here the contrast is between straight and crooked. So the question remains: Which path are you on?

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  1. I feel I’m walking through a forested area. The sun reaches me through the sparser areas as I walk. It illuminates my path, but if I’m not focused on the lighted path I stumble over roots and debris. I have to keep focused on the light so that Satan doesn’t snare me into his trap.

  2. Our heart (v. 23), our speech (v. 24), our eyes (v. 25), and our feet (vv. 26-27) – what we’re feeling, what we’re speaking, what we’re seeing, and where we’re going. We need to add our hands to Solomon’s list – what we’re doing. The world offers temptations for each of these aspects of our character, temptations to go the wrong way, to think or speak or view or do the wrong things. We need to be careful in EVERYTHING, never to be led astray!

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