May 19 / Proverbs 6:12-19

Proverbs 6:12-19

Wormtongue. Now that is a (fictional) person that fits the caricature given in Pr. 6:12-15. In case you don’t know (or by way of reminder) “Wormtongue” is an apt nickname for a character otherwise named Gríma in J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. He is an advisor to King Théoden of Rohan, and he is a nasty piece of work. I am sure I have never directly met anyone quite like Wormtongue in real life, but I am equally sure that I have known a few people who share a somewhat similar poisonous character (but with less significant influence). My guess is that you have known a few as well. (Actually, if you think you haven’t, you are kidding yourself.) Most such people never get much beyond petty workplace politics, but some cause world wars. (Hitler and his cronies come to mind…) But the real question isn’t whether I have ever known such a person. The real issue is whether I have been that person, or — worse — whether I am now that person in any way. Hmmm.

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  1. Clearly, John picked up on the same things I did: …goes about with crooked speech (v. 12b); …continually sowing discord (v. 14b); …a lying tongue (v. 17b); and one who sows discord among brothers. (v. 19b) I was particularly struck by the sowing discord; and I wasn’t thinking politics – I was thinking church! Maybe you don’t like the organ music or maybe you don’t like guitars in church or maybe the drums are too much; or maybe you want more small groups or maybe you want more Wednesday or Friday evening worship; or maybe you want Sunday morning Adult Forum or maybe you like our Gathering time. Whatever! Let it go! Keep it to yourself, Fred! Sowing discord… Not good.

    1. I was off on your same line, Fred. On church and even family discord, not just workplace or politics. Differences of opinion or approach are going to happen, but it is how we/I handle them in our relationships. Do I focus on me and my way being the best, or do I listen and share humbly?

      FYI, I am reading Embracing Grace (Scott McKnight) and just got to the chapter on missional church.

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