July 5 / Proverbs 12:1-14

Proverbs 12:1-14

No one is established by wickedness,
but the root of the righteous will never be moved.

Proverbs 12:3

I hope we can all agree that this proverb should be true. Yet as we observed in our study of Job, things do not always work out so nicely in this life. Sometimes (oftentimes) the wicked prosper; sometimes (oftentimes) the righteous suffer horribly at the hands of those wicked. So, discounting the idea of an afterlife and where the righteous and wicked end up in eternity — an idea that is not at all self-evident from observation — how would anyone come to this conclusion?

I would love to hear your thoughts.

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  1. John, I was struck by the term, “root”. It doesn’t say the righteous won’t be moved, but the root of the righteous. And who/what is the root? God! God will not be moved. We are established by God, amen! And he will not be moved. He is the same always, loves us always, his promises are to be trusted. To live righteously in right relations, I have to be attached to the root which brings living water. Holy Spirit, help and guide me to hold onto the Root of Righteousness!

    1. Maybe the root of the righteous is being established as we live this life with the root growing stronger as we face the adversities and challenges of life. The wicked have no root to grow. ?? Looking back I can see places in my life where truth has firmly been established and also places that are just beginning to grow. No one can move me from the love of my Father, but I do have places that I’m easily snared. Hopefully those places will become firmly established but not completely till I see Him face to face.

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