July 6 / Proverbs 12:15-28

Proverbs 12:15-28

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,
but a wise man listens to advice.

Proverbs 12:15

We can probably all relate personal stories where we’ve seen the truth of this proverb, particularly the first half. How many parents have witnessed their children making stupid decisions, refusing to take any advice from their “know it all” elders? How many of us have been those headstrong fools ourselves?! And, of course, this proverb cuts across all social and political lines, from the common “man on the street” to national leaders, from rich to poor, from liberal to conservative, across all races, and across all time.

One of the problems of social media is the tendency to develop “echo chambers” where the only people anyone listens to (or even hears at all) are people of like opinion. When the fool is right in his own eyes, and he is in an echo chamber, he has little chance to get any real advice. So don’t be such a fool. If you are in an echo chamber, break out of it, and broaden your horizons. Change the channel. Listen to what others have to say, even (or perhaps especially) if it makes you uncomfortable.

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1 Comment

  1. Great point, John. Being able to listen well is a skill we all need to practice and keep practicing!

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