July 18 / Proverbs 18:13-24

Proverbs 18:13-24

The one who states his case first seems right,
until the other comes and examines him.

Proverbs 18:17

Remember that the next time you turn on the news and get only one side of the story. The initial story (especially from media that have a one-sided agenda and narrative to uphold) is rarely the whole story. Our judicial system employs cross-examination for this very reason, to get to a fuller understanding and an accurate presentation of the truth. Sometimes it turns out that the original accusation is on target. But sometimes it turns out otherwise, that the accused is not guilty after all. Does such cross-examination always produce justice? Sadly, no, but it certainly does a better job than just taking the first story at face value.

So, the next time you hear a reporter, commentator, or politician vilify someone on the basis of “clear” and “obvious” evidence, think twice and wait for due process. You may end up with a very different verdict when the whole truth is known.

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