September 20 / Proverbs 31:1-9

Proverbs 31:1-9

You know how moms can have a kind of sixth sense about what their kids are up to? When our younger son was a boy, perhaps 6 or 7 years old, my wife heard some “interesting” sounds emanating from his room. She called up the stairs to him asking, “What are you doing?”


After a few uneasy moments came the reply: “Nothing … anymore!”

It was a reply that was technically truthful, but not altogether honest.

The mother of King Lemuel (whoever that might be — I have no idea) perhaps had a similar sixth sense about her son and similarly asked: What are you doing, my son? (Pr. 31:2) Change “son” to “child”, and that’s a question we could all hear from our Father in heaven — a question we should attend to, and answer honestly. When you are getting into mischief, what are you doing, my child? When you are focused on yourself, what are you doing, my child? When you are lured and enticed by your own desires, what are you doing, my child? When you are filled with resentment, what are you doing, my child?

Today, what are you doing, my child?

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