Psalm 105:1-15
Psalm 105 is a testament to the LORD’s faithfulness to the people of Israel. It highlights several “glory sightings” extending from Abraham to the Exodus.
Today’s reading reminds us of God’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (aka Israel), how He promised to give the land of Canaan to their descendants (Ps. 105:8-11) and how He protected them as they sojourned in various places (Ps. 105:12-15). If you want to refresh your memory on that period of history — with a good deal more detail! — see Genesis 12-36.
As the psalmist recalls Israel’s history, we likewise should recall our own history. Remember how God has touched your life. Call to mind how He has been faithful to you. And share your (that is, His) story with someone. Make known his deeds among the peoples! (v. 1)
So, to take you up on your offer, how God has been faithful to me. There are more details, but let me jump into the middle of one of my stories. Back in my early years “in the Lord” I had found a love for economics and had found a love for teaching economics, having taught a few courses at a local community college in Illinois. So I wrote to some 50-60 Christian colleges, looking for a job. One college, Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa wrote back offering me a position if I would work toward a Ph.D. in Business with them. And even as I was overwhelmed at the thought of doing what I had found I loved, I was also keenly aware that I loved economics much more than business, and that if I were to get a Ph.D. in something, it would be economics, not business. I truly believe that was the Holy Spirit speaking to/within me.
There’s more to that story, including my Christian mentor’s guidance and my decision to seek that Ph.D. at the University of Maryland. But that’s another whole story in itself!!