October 3 / Psalm 107:33-43

Psalm 107:33-43

Continuing in Psalm 107… Whatever the Lord wills to do, He does. Rivers into desert (v. 33) and desert into pools of water (v. 35); fruitful land into a salty waste (v. 34) and parched land into springs of water (v. 35) – He is the Creator of the Universe, all has come into being through Him; He simply spoke and His will appeared in solid form. If He can create everything out of nothing, if He can undo anything that He has done and can re-do whatever He has undone, if He can do all things by simply speaking that they be done, then who are we to deny His work in our lives??!! How can we imagine ourselves to have the wisdom to do anything without His guidance? How can He not be Lord of our lives? How can we not seek Him daily, by the hour, by the minute in all that we do? Seek Him, folks!!

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