Numbers 9-12
Discontent. Grumbling. Envy. It’s not pretty.
It’s not pretty in the Israelites as they complain about the menu. It’s not pretty in Aaron and Miriam as they imagine themselves on par with Moses. And it’s not pretty in us, either.
Day after day the Israelites receive manna from the LORD, all that they need — but not what they want. They look back at Egypt through rose-colored glasses, forgetting their harsh enslavement and remembering instead a delightful menu. But now our strength is dried up, and there is nothing at all but this manna to look at. (Num. 11:6)
What? Oh no, manna again?
Keith Green, So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt (Have a listen!)
Oh, manna waffles…
Manna burgers…
Manna bagels?
Fillet of manna…
Bamanna bread!
The Israelites are dissatisfied with what they have and are focused entirely on what they do not have. They crave meat, and the LORD answers their prayer. He obliges them with an abundance of quail, but it is evident that He is not happy about it.
Aaron and Miriam are also dissatisfied, not with their food choices, but with their positions, feeling that they deserve more recognition and higher standing in the community, right up there with their little brother, Moses. But God makes it clear that they are out of line, that it is the LORD’s prerogative to choose whom He wills and to use whom He wills however He wills.
And that brings us to ourselves. Are we content? Do we long for “the good ol’ days?” Do we grumble and complain? Do we envy others? Do we insist on our rights? Do we think we deserve better? When we pray, are we humbly — and gratefully — asking for provision? Or are we craving something more? (Be careful of asking the LORD to satisfy your cravings; He might just say, “Yes.”) Are we, in some fashion, rejecting the LORD? (Num. 11:20) Do we speak against those we ought to uphold? What do we really want?
These are not idle questions. The answers go to how much we trust the Lord. So take some time today and honestly evaluate your level of contentment.
But godliness with contentment is great gain…
I Timothy 6:6