October 3 / Isaiah 56-59

Isaiah 56-59 First, a quick note on chronology… Let’s not forget that Isaiah lived and prophesied about 250-300 years prior to our most recent readings in Nehemiah. Yet here we are now reading the last eleven chapters of Isaiah, because the editors of The Chronological Study Bible seem to think that these chapters speak to …

October 2 / Joel

Joel 1-3 What the cutting locust left,the swarming locust has eaten.What the swarming locust left,the hopping locust has eaten,and what the hopping locust left,the destroying locust has eaten. Joel 1:4 Locusts. An enormous swarm of voracious grasshoppers darkens the sky above and devours every plant below. Before this vast army, the land is green and …

October 1 / Nehemiah 13; Psalm 92

Nehemiah 13:1-22; Psalm 92; Nehemiah 13:23-31 Today we come to the end of the Book of Nehemiah, which marks the end of the historical narratives in the Old Testament. Nehemiah acts as governor of Judah for several years, but he is called back to Persia in the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes (i.e. 433 BC – …