January 20 / Luke 8:4-21

Luke 8:4-21

Good afternoon, RTB’ers!

After a long day of travel that began at 4:00 am this morning, Carol and I are somewhat settled in for the week. My sincere apologies for such a delayed post, but sometimes it can’t be helped. I read our passage much earlier today, but only now have a chance to post a comment.

Many of us have heard sermons on Jesus’ parable of the sower sowing his seeds and the different types of soil on which the seed landed. And we’ve probably asked ourselves which seed were we? Or maybe, we’ve asked ourselves which seed were we at different times in our lives? But I came up with a new “seed landing” outcome, one that I thought might apply to me. What about seed that landed on good soil, maybe seed that was not well watered but, for whatever reason, took a long time to germinate. That was me! I had good, solid Catholic faith roots, but it was not an active faith. Only during my college years, after 3-1/2 years of a young man (Jim) sharing with me did I make that decision to turn my life over to Jesus. That seed that had lain fallow for so long did, in fact, germinate. It took off with a mighty growth that continues to this day.

Maybe that seed in you is only now beginning to germinate? If so, let’s hope and pray that the Holy Spirit will work in you to grow that faith much more even than the hundred-fold in Jesus’ parable!!


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1 Comment

  1. Unfortunately, I think God has been busy for a long time helping me to remove the rocks and weeds in my soil!

    That said, I am thankful for His grace to allow His word to germinate and grow in spite of it all.

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