May 19 / Exodus 9

Exodus 9

Dear RTB’ers, 

Exodus 9, three plagues today – livestock deaths, boils and hail. Again the Lord distinguishes between the Egyptians and the Hebrews, in both the fifth and seventh plagues.

The fifth plague, …behold, the hand of the LORD will come with a very severe plague on your livestock which are in the field (v. 3) Failing to read carefully, I always wondered how cattle would be killed in the hail of the seventh plague if they had already died in the fifth plague. But those three words, in the field are key. Although Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, it is likely that many Egyptians were now believing in the Hebrew God. With the Lord setting a definite time (tomorrow, v. 5), those Egyptians who now feared the Lord had a chance to save their livestock by bringing them in to safety. Interestingly, Pharaoh sent people to Goshen to check on the Hebrews and learned that their livestock had not died. But still, hard of heart!

For most of the plagues, Moses and Aaron confront Pharaoh directly, warning him of what is about to happen. For this sixth plague, however, none of that – when Pharaoh did not relent after the fifth plague, the Lord simply told Moses and Aaron to initiate the plague of boils without their warning Pharaoh. What an unwelcome surprise for Pharaoh!!

Today’s third plague – hail. Evidently, BIG hail!! Again, we see in the field in verses 19 and 21, with specific mention of …whoever feared the word of the LORD… (v. 20) among the Egyptians as those whose livestock would be saved. Pharaoh also has something of a change of heart: Then Pharaoh sent and called Moses and Aaron and said to them, “This time I have sinned; the LORD is in the right, and I and my people are in the wrong.” (v. 27) He is acknowledging his sin for the first time; that’s step one. Unfortunately, he does not move further. He continues to harden his heart.


See also: January 19 (2023) / Exodus 7-9

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