May 23 / Exodus 14:1-15:21

Exodus 14:1-15:21

Dear RTB’ers, 

Let’s be in prayer today for Mary G. as she undergoes knee replacement surgery – for her, for Len, for her medical team, and for her recovery.

Today, they’re gone! The Israelites from Pharaoh’s grasp and the Egyptians to the bottom of the Sea! The Lord delivers His people, but not before they lose their faith in Him and in Moses. Here we see the first of the Israelites grumbling against Moses: Then they said to Moses, “Is it because there were no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness? (Ex. 14:11a) We will see more grumbling as we continue in Exodus! Moses, however, responds confidently, But Moses said to the people, “Do not fear! …The LORD will fight for you, while you keep silent.” (Ex. 14:13-14) Unlike John’s posts from last year, I am not so good at applying our Scripture readings to our own lives. Today, however, it struck me: keep silent! How often do we fret and worry and try to fix things, when it might be in our best interests to just pray and wait for the Lord to act. Pray and wait, wait and pray.

So the sons of Israel went through the midst of the sea on the dry land, and the waters were like a wall to them on their right and on their left. (Ex. 14:22) Thankfully, we have Hollywood movies, so it’s not difficult for us to picture this wall of water on their right and left. But 2.5 million crossing through, together with their flocks and herds… That’s hard to fathom! We’ve all been to concerts and sporting events and have experienced the mass of people moving toward the exits. Now multiply that by multiple thousands and throw in a larger number of cows, sheep and goats! Yes, the Lord parting the waters is a major miracle. But this mass of people passing through – that’s quite a miracle in itself!! GLORY!


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