June 1 / Acts 14:13-28

Acts 14:13-28

Dear RTB’ers, 

Happy June! Remember our RTB gathering tomorrow after coffee hour.

It’s so strange that Jews from Antioch would come all the way to Lystra (130 miles) just to harass Paul and Barnabas. Iconium was only 20 miles from Lystra, so some Jews from Antioch had probably followed Paul and Barnabas to Iconium and been part of the rabble that drove them out of Iconium. And then in Lystra that harassment becomes deadly!! I’m trying to understand that Jewish mindset. Was it jealousy? Or was it fear? Why did they have such hatred for Paul and Barnabas that they would want them stoned and left for dead? The Jews could only stone people for blasphemy, so Paul and Barnabas talking about Jesus as the Messiah that the Jews had long expected must have set them off. It was a positive message that somehow got fully twisted in their minds.

So Paul and Barnabas flee a short distance further east to Derbe where they make more disciples. Then they re-trace their steps to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch strengthening the believers there. That is, Paul and Barnabas were not willing to leave their new converts (presumably, mostly Gentiles) without further encouragement and guidance. Theirs is a strong message of discipleship. And in the very next chapter we will see Paul and Barnabas desiring to return to these same cities, again to strengthen and encourage them (15:36). I truly admire their dedication to those new converts.


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