June 2 / Acts 15:1-12

Acts 15:1-12

Dear RTB’ers, 

First, a couple of brief geographical items… Paul and Barnabas (and a large contingent of Christians) are based in “Antioch”. This “Antioch” is Syrian Antioch, about 300 miles north of Jerusalem, on the northeast coast of the Mediterranean Sea, as opposed to Pisidian Antioch, which Paul and Barnabas had visited in Acts 13-14, in the heart of modern-day Turkey (Asia Minor). Most mentions of Antioch, with no context or qualifier, refer to Syrian Antioch, the “secondary head” of the church outside of Jerusalem.

The divisive issue is raised in verse 5: But some believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees rose up and said, “It is necessary to circumcise them and to order them to keep the law of Moses.” And while circumcision is the divisive issue, it is worth noting that we see Pharisees as believers! Some of them have come a long way, no doubt influenced by Peter and John before their Council (Acts 3-4), Saul’s conversion and testimony (Acts 9, ff.), and other events in and around Jerusalem and Judea. Pharisees as believers is a huge step forward for the Jerusalem church!!

This Jerusalem Council, most of Acts 15, is a good lesson in church unity and leadership, often referred to when divisive issues arise within the church. After the issue was presented before them, The apostles and the elders were gathered together to consider this matter. (v. 6). Then they took the time to hear from the major parties who had been at the forefront of the Gentile missions – Paul and Barnabas reporting on their missionary activity in Cyprus and in Asia Minor and Peter reminding the gathering of his visits to Samaria and Caesarea. But I think that the key item from the Jerusalem Council has to do with listening: And after there had been much debate… (v. 7); And all the assembly fell silent, and they listened… (v. 12). Let everyone speak and let everyone listen.

We’ll see tomorrow how this matter was resolved.


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