June 24 / Acts 26:1-18

Acts 26:1-18

Dear RTB’ers,

Paul before King Agrippa and Bernice in Caesarea. Carol and I are on family vacation in Tennessee this week, so I’m a bit out of my element – and not nearly such an early riser when on vacation!!

It’s interesting that Paul makes his claim to be a Pharisee, because King Agrippa would likely be siding with the Sadducees! It was up to the king to appoint the High Priests, and all of those for whom we have record in that first century were Sadducees. So if Paul is stating his Pharisee background, he knows that he might be going against King Agrippa. But then again, he is also speaking to Jews in the audience who are Pharisees and Sadducees. My guess is that he is simply making the strongest point that he can make as to the zeal with which he had lived his former life.

It’s a curious interlude, in the midst of Paul’s recounting his life prior to his conversion: Why is it thought incredible by any of you that God raises the dead? (v. 8) Here Paul is making an introductory point that is leading to his later claim that Jesus had been raised from the dead. But he asks it as a question instead of simply making a statement. To me this is a noteworthy item in that he is directly appealing to each and every one of the members of his audience, making it personal for them. I think that’s a good model for our own witnessing – asking questions instead of “preaching”.

…to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God… (v. 18a) I don’t often think of Satan’s influence on the Jews in Jesus’ time and in prior Old Testament times. Yes, I think of their ups and downs, of their following after the gods of the nations around them. And yes, we know that we are born with a sin nature (after the Fall), but I think we can also say that all sin is from Satan’s influence on us. It’s a truth that the Lord makes explicit here, that Paul’s contemporary Jews are in Satan’s power and that they need to turn to Him. Paul is couching that sentence as coming during his visit from Jesus, but I can imagine the audience reaction to Paul making that statement!! Like throwing a match on spilled gasoline!!


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