July 15 / Psalm 17

Psalm 17

Dear RTB’ers,

Psalm 17. Have I mentioned that I wish you all had study bibles? Or maybe access to online Bible commentaries…?

Today’s Psalm 17 was as confusing as any that I’ve read thus far, but my Study Bible helped me make sense of it, breaking it down into its smaller components. They see the overall setting as a courtroom, with the Lord as the judge. The first two verses are an appeal for justice: Hear a just cause, O LORD…”. Then verses 3-5 are David’s protestation of innocence: You have tried my heart, … You have tested me, and You will find nothing. Verses 6-9 form a petition, what David is asking the Lord to do for him: …hide me in the shadow of Your wings, from the wicked who do me violence. Verses 10-12 are the accusation against David’s enemies: … they set their eyes to cast us to the ground. Finally verses 13-15 form a second petition, Deliver my soul from the wicked…, and a concluding expression of confidence in the Lord delivering him from his accusers: As for me, I shall behold your face in righteousness; when I awake, I shall be satisfied with Your likeness.

Have I mentioned that I wish you all had study bibles? Or maybe access to online Bible commentaries…? Money (or time) well spent!


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