July 31 / I Thessalonians 5

I Thessalonians 5

Dear RTB’ers,

First, a bit of clarification… The words “sleep and asleep” occur four times in today’s reading (I Th. 5:6, 7, 10) and three times in yesterday’s reading (I Th. 4:13-15). In chapter 4 Paul was clearly using “sleep” as a metaphor for death referring to those believers who had died. Today he uses “sleep” in a very different context: So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober. (I Th. 5:6) Here “sleep” refers to believers being (not) alert, ready, watchful. I Th. 5:10 is less clear. This wording, whether we are awake or asleep seems to apply more to believers who have passed on. So, mixed metaphors. Confusing.

We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work. (vv. 12-13) It’s in my DNA to respect the clergy who serve us. My parents often brought food gifts to the priest and nuns at our parish – rabbits and chickens from the farm and fruit cakes that my mother baked at Christmas. They set an example – spiritual leaders were to be held in high esteem. In today’s reading Paul is also asking us to treat our Christian leaders with respect. But I wonder who it is in Thessalonica that is in leadership? Paul seems to have spent so little time there, having been run out of town. Did Timothy go back and appoint leaders? Or was it maybe converted Jews who knew the Old Testament scriptures well and were taught by Paul those essential prophetic verses that applied to Jesus? Then again, leadership may have evolved naturally. Just wondering…

And we urge you, brothers… (5:14a). Paul follows with fourteen action verbs in I Th. 5:14-22. A good action list for Christian living.


See also: December 1 (2023) / I Thessalonians

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1 Comment

  1. What I noticed today was the lovely nature of the ordinances of God for man. It called back Psalm 19 in which they were noted as finer than gold and sweeter than honey. Those rules are for us to flourish and not to hold us back. Following the guide makes for fruitful life, most satisfying to God and man.

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