August 1 / II Thessalonians 1

II Thessalonians 1

Dear RTB’ers,

Many Bible scholars maintain that II Thessalonians was written not long after I Thessalonians (maybe six month or so). Presumably Paul had sent Silas and Timothy to Thessalonica with his first letter; then when they returned (with more questions!) he wrote this second letter. The “end-times” dominates this second letter. Paul had already covered this topic in his first letter, especially his assurance to them that those believers who had already died would be with Jesus when He returned. In fact, my Study Bible pointed out that every chapter in I Thessalonians ends with a comment about Jesus’ second coming. Still, the Thessalonians had questions about the end-times and this second letter goes into much greater detail about Jesus’ return, especially the next chapter.

Paul speaks of suffering and retribution in the second half of today’s reading. He, himself had already suffered there (and been run out of town), so he had some idea of the persecution which those believers might have been experiencing. However, he has a two-part response. First, yes, they will suffer for their faith; endure it. Relief is coming when Jesus returns: …and to grant relief to you who are afflicted … when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven… (v. 7). Second, those non-believers who persecute you will get theirs – if not in this life, then certainly in the next: They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction … when He comes on that day to be glorified…! (vv. 9-10a) Paul has a lot more to say about all this. Check back tomorrow!!


See also: December 2 (2023) / II Thessalonians; Acts 18:12-19:22

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