August 2 / II Thessalonians 2:1-12

II Thessalonians 2:1-12

Dear RTB’ers,

So, what’s going on in today’s reading? Paul’s complex sentence structures often make it difficult to follow his intended teaching; repeated reading will help our understanding of what he is saying. Here’s my shortened take on today’s reading. There is a “man of lawlessness” who has not yet been revealed, but is somehow being restrained. At some point this restrainer will step aside and that man of lawlessness will be revealed. He/she/it will be Satan’s envoy and will claim to be God. Unbelievers will be deceived, but Jesus will take him down simply by blowing on him. Victory over him is certain!

Today’s key verse: For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed… (v. 3) Everything mentioned in the paragraph above is all preliminary to “that day”, which is the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to Him. (v. 1) But one question remains – who is this “restrainer”? My Study Bible suggests that the restrainer might be “the Roman state with its emperor, Paul’s missionary work, the Jewish state, the principle of law and government embodied in the state, the Holy Spirit, or the restraining ministry of the Holy Spirit through the church, or others.” This quote does not mention Jesus as the possible restrainer – and I agree. When Jesus is mentioned in today’s reading, it is with respect to His coming (v. 1) or to His killing that man of lawlessness. (v. 8) So Jesus is likely not the restrainer. Who, then, is holding back this evil Satanic emissary? Your thoughts…??!!


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