August 4 / Joshua 1

Joshua 1

Dear RTB’ers,

Joshua. A person. The first five books in the Bible are named for events or time frames. Joshua is the first book named after a person, Joshua. We met Joshua once before in Exodus 17:9-16, when Moses had put him in charge of a battle the Israelites had with the Amalekites. Then, had we read further in Exodus, we would have seen him as Moses’ right-hand-man. He played a big part in Israel’s history when he and Caleb were two of twelve “spies” sent to search out the Promised Land while the Israelites were journeying in the wilderness. (See Numbers 13-14). When the people chose to believe the ten “fearful” spies instead of the “faithful” Joshua and Caleb, their one year in the wilderness became forty. It’s at the end of this forty years that we find Israel east of the Jordan River, ready to cross over and take the Promised Land. Moses has passed on; Joshua is now their leader.

The Lord speaking to Joshua: Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you. … Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. (vv. 5b, 9b) I have posted before that I claim Biblical words that the Lord has spoken to other people as if He has spoken those words to me. Those words in bold above have been with me a long time and in a number of different contexts. Wherever I have gone, whether I knew it or not, the Lord has been with me. It’s a comforting feeling, especially looking back on my life, to see His hand guiding me then and walking with me now. And today and tomorrow and next week and next month…and forever – wherever I go!


See also: March 4 (2023) / Joshua 1-5

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