August 2 / II Thessalonians 2:1-12

II Thessalonians 2:1-12 Dear RTB’ers, So, what’s going on in today’s reading? Paul’s complex sentence structures often make it difficult to follow his intended teaching; repeated reading will help our understanding of what he is saying. Here’s my shortened take on today’s reading. There is a “man of lawlessness” who has not yet been revealed, …

August 1 / II Thessalonians 1

II Thessalonians 1 Dear RTB’ers, Many Bible scholars maintain that II Thessalonians was written not long after I Thessalonians (maybe six month or so). Presumably Paul had sent Silas and Timothy to Thessalonica with his first letter; then when they returned (with more questions!) he wrote this second letter. The “end-times” dominates this second letter. …