September 21 / Romans 2:17-29

Dear RTB’ers,

For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter… (vv. 28-29a)

Paul is talking to Jews in today’s reading, even though most of the people in Rome who will receive this letter are Gentiles. He is comparing Jews and Gentiles, by focusing on what he knows as an educated Jew – well trained as a rabbi before meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus. For me, today’s key verse is 27: Then he who is physically uncircumcised but keeps the law will condemn you who have the written code and circumcision but break the law. The Jews had received from the Lord both the sign (circumcision) and the word (the Law). The Gentiles had nothing except their idols and temples to the Greek and Roman gods. But Paul is saying that these Gentiles (who may even worship strange gods) could put the Jews to shame by their behavior: So, if a man who is uncircumcised keeps the precepts of the law, will not his uncircumcision be regarded as circumcision? (v. 26) Not knowing the Law, these Gentile unbelievers keep the spirit of the Law. And in that sense, the Gentiles are better off than the Jews who behave self-righteously. It’s a lesson we all need to keep in mind.



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