September 27 / Romans 5:12-21

Romans 5:12-21

Dear RTB’ers,

Thirteen times we see the word “one” in today’s reading – one man, one who…, one trespass, one act, one man’s sin, one man’s disobedience, one man’s obedience. Always the “one” is referring to either Adam or Jesus or their activities. And those one activities by both men have been passed down to us.

Paul is repeating himself a number of times is today’s passage, but this repetition is for emphasis. Of the many possibilities I was trying to pick out one “summary” verse. (You all might have your own.) I chose: For as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous. (v. 19) Awesome!! And I can’t help but add on another of my favorite Bible passages, …but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more… (v. 20b). Again, awesome!!



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