September 30 / Romans 7:7-25

Romans 7:7-25

Dear RTB’ers,

Even before I started reading today, knowing that we were reading to the end of Chapter 7, I had in mind: Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? (v. 24) Maybe the rest of you don’t have this feeling of occasionally hating yourself for what you’ve done or what you are doing. But me, it’s there: For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. (v. 15) Wretched man that I am! This ending of Romans 7 and in two days the ending of Romans 8 have long stood out for me as favorite sections of Scripture. They are so opposite one another, yet that contrast makes them stand out. However, we get a hint of Chapter 8 in today’s final verse, Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! (v. 25a) It’s probably that half-verse that makes verse 24 stand out for me.

Looking forward to the ending of Chapter 8!!


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  1. An item from Bishop Beach’s AWFTL from a few days ago blends well with today’s reading. Here’s a synopsis: “Today’s teaching begins with a story that tells us how “Bubba the Eagle”, born an “Eagle”, learned to be a “Turkey” when he was “saved by the turkeys”; but the “turkeys”, ultimately, convinced him that he was a “buzzard”. However, the wise owl tells Bubba that he is neither a “turkey” nor a “buzzard” – the owl tells Bubba that he was born and is called to be an “Eagle” and that he is an “Eagle”.” Well said!!

    I think Paul is telling us in today’s passage that there are “turkey evangelists” out there trying to convert us to “turkey’ism”: For sin, seizing an opportunity through the commandment, deceived me and through it killed me. (v. 7:11) Folks, we are EAGLES. Leave the turkeys and the buzzards to their own doings, to their own destructiveness!! Let’s fly with the wings that we were given, with that holy flock of eagles with whom we share our birth! GLORY!

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