October 1 / Romans 8:1-17

Romans 8:1-17

Dear RTB’ers,

A few years back I posted an item from one of my Study Bibles that Chapters 6, 7, and 8 formed a unit. Chapter 6 is about the believer’s freedom from sin; chapter 7 is freedom from the Law’s condemnation, and chapter 8 is life in the power of the Holy Spirit. So today the focus is on the Holy Spirit and His power in us. It’s good to have Chapters 6 and 7 behind us!

I count thirteen to fifteen mentions of the Spirit in today’s passage, depending on whether Spirit is referring to the Holy Spirit or to our own spirit. There are not many sections in Paul’s letters where he has such an intense focus on the Spirit. What we see most of the Spirit’s work in today’s reading is His indwelling – of the Spirit, in the Spirit, by the Spirit, according to the Spirit. His indwelling is fundamental to our Christian growth. Without that indwelling we are only flesh – and Paul deals with that topic also in this reading. Our sanctification, our growth depends on His living within and working with and for us.

Another one of my favorite verses: If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. (v. 11) A powerful indwelling “if” here – IF the Spirit dwells in us, then we will have life in our mortal bodies (here on Earth) and (by association) in our eternal bodies when WE also have been raised from the dead. What a statement!


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