October 11 / Romans 14

Romans 14

Dear RTB’ers,

Today’s passage is all about disagreement and the judgment that results from our differing opinions. One of my main faults (that I see in myself) is that I am excessively judgmental. I was worse in the past and I feel that the Lord has corrected that in me to a great extent from where I used to be, but I still find myself finding fault with other people, for whatever reason. I guess that’s why the verse that jumped out at me today was the same one that hit me four years ago: Do not destroy with your food him for whom Christ died. (v. 15b) It’s the second half of that quote that struck me: …him for whom Christ died. “Him for whom Christ died” includes every person on this planet – not just the Christians to whom Paul is speaking and admonishing. Jesus died for every person who has ever lived and for those yet unborn. To find fault in anyone is to diminish Jesus’ sacrifice. That’s a thought that I’m going to carry with me today, especially every time I see a minaret. I am going to remind myself that Jesus died for each and every one of those Moslems who worship therein, every one: …him for whom Christ died…


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