October 12 / Romans 15:1-13

Romans 15:1-13

Dear RTB’ers,

Paul continues to continue to argue his point to the Jews, that the Gentiles are heirs also to the faith of Abraham: For I tell you that Christ became a servant to the circumcised … in order that the Gentiles might glorify God… (vv. 8-9). He offers four Old Testament quotations to back up his claim. I am constantly amazed at Paul’s command of Scripture. In a span of just four verses (9b-12) he quotes from II Samuel, Deuteronomy, Isaiah, and twice from Psalms. Understand, folks, he did not have Google to search electronically for “Gentiles”. He KNEW where to find those specific verses. Amazing!!

We are now in Albania, where minarets abound and Christian churches are hard to find. I wonder what Paul would be saying to the Moslems if he were writing today. A good thought as we head back to Slovakia.


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