October 13 / Romans 15:14-33

Romans 15:14-33

Dear RTB’ers,

Paul’s hopes (expectation, even?) went unanswered (reminder, Paul is writing to believers in Rome): I hope to see you in passing as I go to Spain… (v. 24a) and When therefore I have completed this [collection] I will leave for Spain by way of you. (v. 28) Did Paul ever make it to Spain? There are strong arguments that he did, in fact, make it there. One of my Study Bibles argues for that “trip”, with documentation from a number of sources. Still, that’s only conjecture. Another dashed hope: …that I may be delivered from the unbelievers in Judea, and that my service for Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints… (v. 31) Paul was not delivered from the unbelievers in Jerusalem; in fact, they caused him to be arrested and to remain in custody the rest of his life! One of Paul’s prayers, however, was answered: I have longed for many years to come to you… (v. 23b) Yes, he got to Rome – in chains!

So, any unanswered prayer in your lives? I have a big one for myself – pain relief (even healing?) for my injured shoulder. Or what might the Holy Spirit have in mind for me and for you with these unanswered prayers? (Editorial comment: “No” is also an answer to prayer.) Pray and wait, wait and pray.


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