Dear RTB’ers,
I hate those who pay regard to worthless idols… (v. 6a). I could understand what David was saying about people in his day who worshiped idols. But in our 21st century world, I’m calling to mind preachers asking us, “What are your idols?” Are you seeking money? Fame? Possessions? Power? Success? In my mind I certainly don’t “hate” people who are seeking, working, striving after those other things, but I do feel sorry for them when their efforts are so driven toward those goals. I certainly wanted to be successful in life, in my career, to earn enough income to provide for my family. But I was fortunate that God got hold of me early enough that my greater goal has been to seek Him for the past fifty years. As I have sought that greater goal, I have been blessed with money, possessions, success (and countless failures along the way). Having that greater goal has increased my thanksgiving for all those other things. David says it well: But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in Your hand…. (vv. 14-15a). Yes, my times and everything inside those times were and are in God’s hands. And His is the better plan, He is the better builder.