January 27 / Hebrews 6:9-20

Hebrews 6:9-20

Dear RTB’ers,

We often remind ourselves that we are never working our way to Heaven, that Jesus has done all the work and we simply have to accept His salvation. But, ?strangely? it is ?expected? that we will work, that we will serve Him and His church in various ministries. Today’s tenth verse offers a comforting assurance of God’s love for our “work”: For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for His name in serving the saints, as you still do. (v. 10) I won’t go into it, but I think I learned “work for the church” from my dad. His work was more physical, while the work that I have done has always been more mental. No doubt, the church has needs for both skill sets. On the physical side, witness Jonathan’s (and others’) work on the rebuilding of our church after the storm damage in the recent past.

So, an immediate need, more mental than physical. We heard yesterday from Father Ben that our Vestry search committee is still looking for people to step up into Vestry service. I would seriously encourage some of you to consider that. Approximately a dozen or so of our current RTB’ers have served this church in that capacity in the past. They could speak to you of relatively low time commitments needed for your service. Please consider yourself for that work, …the love that you [might show] for His name in serving the saints …!


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