January 29 / Hebrews 7:15-28

Hebrews 7:15-28

Dear RTB’ers,

STS asks an interesting question on differences between the Levitical and Melchizedek priesthoods – on qualification, on permanence and in efficacy. First, on qualification – to become a Levitical priest a person had to be born in a direct line from Aaron, from the tribe of Levi; Jesus, however, came from the tribe of Judah, “unqualified” for the Levitical priesthood. On permanence – Levitical priests died and new priests were named; Jesus, however, died and rose again and lives forever, permanently! As to efficacy, Aaronic priests could only offer up animals to set aside their own sins and the sins of the Israelite people; Jesus, however, offered up Himself, one Man, sinless, for all of humankind. Jesus’ Messianic priesthood far exceeds the Aaronic priests!

The writer has his quotes from Psalm 110:4 out of order. The quote in verse 21 actually precedes the quote in verse 17, so Psalm 110:4 actually reads, The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind, “You are a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek.” Psalm 110 was quite well known in Jesus’ time. From an online source, “Many but not all Jews in Jesus’ day regarded Psalm 110 as messianic. [and] The New Testament authors quote Psalm 110 more than any other chapter in the Old Testament.”

STS also notes, “…in Jesus we have a perfect High Priest [Who] perfectly meets the sinner’s need.” One other difference between the Levitical priests and Jesus, the Melchizedek priest – the Israelites honored their high priest, but did not bow before him. With Jesus, however, “Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” (Philippians 2:10-11, edited according to a song that we sing) Glory!


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