Hebrews 9:1-15
Dear RTB’ers,
A couple of partial sentences struck me today:
But when Christ appeared… (v. 11a) The author suddenly switches away from details about tent and temple worship. Something really new is coming in the next few sentences! A dramatic transition…!!
For if the blood of goats and bulls…, …how much more will the blood of Christ… (vv. 13a, 14a) Again, with two half-sentences the author compares one blood with another. …how much more…!!
It’s hard for us 21st-century believers to really understand the impact these early disciples must have felt as Jesus is doing away with temple worship and replacing it with His own teachings and His own sacrificial offering. And how very hard it must have been for faithful Jews to abandon their old ways to serve this new “sacrificial system” – Jesus’ shed blood for all humanity for all time. …how much more…!